Welcome to Echo Valley!

Echo Valley is a free, just for fun, radio show that celebrates bubblegum pop music from the 1960's and 1970's.
The Echo Valley podcast is at
You can download all episodes of Echo Valley below or from the archive to the right.
If you'd like to subscribe for free to the podcast, you'll find Echo Valley on iTunes, or on any of the podcast apps or channels, or, to do it your own way, here is the "feed" URL you will need to know: http://echovalley.podbean.com/feed.

Contact the Mayor's office at professorbubblegum@hotmail.com .

Monday, June 27, 2011

Echo Valley Episode 5

Click to Download Echo Valley Episode 5
Highlights include:
Hardy Boys Smack Down - Shaun Cassidy vs Hardy Boys (the animated band)
Dramatic Reading from a Bionic Woman novel
First appearance of Passing the Torch, music of this generation which is bubbly and gummily.
Great bubblegum music from Tommy James and the Shondells, Tommy Roe, Tricks, The Archies, Peppermint Trolley Company, Edward Bear, Bay City Rollers, Kasenetz-Katz Super Circus, Fred Flintsone, Ohio Express, Patrick McNee and Honor Blackman and The New Beats


  1. Bruce,
    I had a really tough time getting this installment to download. How big is the file?

  2. Hi Brian,

    All the files are about the same size (52 MB), but it often takes a long time for files to download because of the no-frills free site (MegaUpload) I use to deliver them. Sometimes it is just a minute or so, other times, as long as 20 minutes. It depends on the other traffic at the site. Us free users are lowest in priority. I could pay a monthly fee to speed things up, but that would cost me a monthly fee. So, kind of a Catch-22. :)
