Welcome to Echo Valley!

Echo Valley is a free, just for fun, radio show that celebrates bubblegum pop music from the 1960's and 1970's.
The Echo Valley podcast is at
You can download all episodes of Echo Valley below or from the archive to the right.
If you'd like to subscribe for free to the podcast, you'll find Echo Valley on iTunes, or on any of the podcast apps or channels, or, to do it your own way, here is the "feed" URL you will need to know: http://echovalley.podbean.com/feed.

Contact the Mayor's office at professorbubblegum@hotmail.com .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Echo Valley Episode 4

Click to Download Echo Valley Episode 4 
Highlights include:
Wild Animal Smackdown pitting Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution against The Sugar Bears
. Dramatic reading from a Welcome Back, Kotter novel
First use of the Echo Valley Time Machine to visit the roots of bubblegum pop. Great bubblegum music from Captain Groovy and his Bubblegum Army, The Cattanooga Cats, Brady Kids, The Music Explosion, The Archies, The Hardy Boys, The Poppy Family, Jon and Robin, The Banana Splits and Daddy Dewdrop


  1. I was enjoying another beautiful day in Echo Valley, listening to bubblegum pop on my transistor radio out at the old mill, when I heard that it was Recruitment Day. I rode my bike back to town as fast as I could. Boy am I glad I didn't miss Captain Groovy!

    Best episode yet!

    ~Echo Valley Citizen

  2. Captain Groovy and his Bubble-gum Army are where it's at!

    - Suzanne Crough

  3. Thank you, Citizen! And, Suzanne, keep listening- I've always loved your tambourine playing, by the way.
